Friday, August 29, 2008

Today is 30 August 2008.
gosh... guess what?
i couldnt beleive that last night, I arrived home at 9.20 p.m.
First, i used the kuala lumpur gate to use the Tol Jalan Duta.
But wow... nearly 8.00 pm, I still did not pass the TNB office.
Lucliky, I knew that TNB has their own Balai Islam.
I performed my Solat Maghrib there.
I cancelled my intetion to use the route through Tol Jalan Duta.
I followed Tol Damansara using the short cut route through Jalan Pantai and Jalan Turi.
Still jammed because there are cars damaged on the fly over.
because of my astigmatisme, I couldnt see the view clearly.
I have to drive carefully with preventing my eyes from seeing the light's car.

Alhamdulillah the lane is very clear after I passed Tol Damansara.
I am very gratefull to Allah as I managed to arrive at home savely.

To myself and my family.
Happy Independent Day.
happy fasting

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